
Showing posts from November, 2023

Challenging my fear at Genesse Valley

I am a mentor in Student Leadership Corps (SLC) at Loyola University Maryland. Each year, all SLC members take a trip to Genesee Valley Outdoor Learning Center to get connected with other participants and mentors in SLC.  I despise heights. I like rollercoasters and airplanes, but anything that involves standing over cliffs or jumping from a platform is a no for me. However, during this trip, I challenged that fear. The first activity we did was called “Where the Wind Blows.” For this game, the person in the middle of the circle says a statement like “The wind blows if your favorite color is blue.” If the favorite color of the individuals on the outside of the circle is blue, then they would move to a different spot in the circle. The person that doesn’t find a spot would then be in the middle of the circle and the process would repeat. I discovered there were a lot of similarities between us. We’ve all played an instrument, love music, have been to a concert, and are in a leadersh...