I Built a Gingerbread House!
I attended another event hosted by the Baking club at Loyola University Maryland and this time, I built and decorated gingerbread house. The gingerbread house kit came with a mini village of gingerbread buildings. We four gingerbread houses that we could choose to build: Santa’s House, a Candy Shop, a Sweet Shop, and a Chalet. I picked a random one, and it happened to be the Chalet. Gingerbread Chalet, sprinkles, and gum drops The gingerbread Chalet did give me a few problems once I started building. One of my pieces broke apart, luckily, I was able to fix it by using icing. This gingerbread house was smaller than a typical gingerbread house which made it difficult to decorate. I decided to decorate the walls before putting the roof on. I used red icing for the walls and a lot of sprinkles to create “lights” along the base of the house. Attaching the roof was tricky too. I had to hold one of the roof slabs in place for a few minutes because it kept sliding down. ...